We are delighted to introduce our new Officers for the upcoming term. Please join us in welcoming: We are equally thrilled to announce our newest board members: We look forward to their fresh perspectives and ideas. Together, with our new…

We are delighted to introduce our new Officers for the upcoming term. Please join us in welcoming: We are equally thrilled to announce our newest board members: We look forward to their fresh perspectives and ideas. Together, with our new…
Your go-to resource for Arizona USDF Group Member Organizations’ 2020 Dressage Show Season. Specific show information, including fees, judges, etc. are subject to change. Always check your GMO website for the most up-to-date show information. Be sure to Thank our…
Your 2018 Board of Directors and Committee Chairs. President– Tania Radda 1st-VP-Recognized Shows– Kathy Smith 2nd VP-Schooling Shows– Lara Bowles Treasurer-Cynthia Ganem Secretary– Nicole Zoet-Oostermeyer Membership Chair– Michell Combs Rules Chair-Betty Drake Education Chair– Sarah Lindsten Volunteers Chair– Heather Bilodeau…
Rules, Rules, Rules! Here are some proof of vaccine and legal drug/medication documents that may come in handy as you get ready to compete at USEF-licensed shows this year! USEF Proof of Vaccination Record – As you know USEF GR845…