CONGRATULATIONS ADA Competitors on a GREAT 2022 Show Season! Final Year End Standings are in.

CONGRATULATIONS ADA Competitors on a GREAT 2022 Show Season! Final Year End Standings are in.
Congratulations to these AZ state championships horse/rider pair qualifiers. They have earned two AZ State qualifying scores under two different judges after the date that horse’s nominating fees were received and they competed at a minimum of one ADA- or TDC-hosted…
Arizona Dressage Association is proud to announce its Final 2021 Year End Award Standings. Heartfelt congratulations to all competitors and to our Award winners! 2021 Horses of the Year 2021 Riders of the Year 2021 Freestyle, Sandra Kale and Cameo…
Dust off the chaps and grab your gear. ADA is hosting its Western Dressage in the Desert Show on Friday, April 15th, and Spectators can come to watch for FREE! Get all the info you need to enter this easy-going…