Arizona Dressage Association

Final State Champs Qualifying Lists are In!

Final State Champs Qualifying Lists are In!

Final State Champs Qualifying Lists are In!

Congratulations to Arizona’s 2018 State Championship Qualifiers!

The final qualifying lists are below.  If you have any questions on your qualifying status, please contact Sue Leutwyler at

REMINDER:  Horse/rider combinations which have won a State Championship may no longer compete in a State Championship competition, in that division, at that or a lower level (Grand Prix Level excepted).

Regional Championships Qualifying status is tracked by the USDF … not the ADA.  Here is a USDF link to Regionals qualifying:

Each PDF below has a download arrow associated with it.  State Championships show will be held at WestWorld Equestrian Center, Scottsdale, AZ, November 3-4, 2018  | Opening: September 9th | Closing: October 6th

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